Shipping Information

AFTER receiving a Shipping Notification, your TRACKING NUMBER will be sent separately in a different email. It is sent WHEN your package actually leaves our warehouse. Please be patient, as that separate tracking email is usually within 24 hours of the Shipment Notification email.

We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Checks, or Money Orders in US funds. We do NOT ship to U.S. Post Office Boxes. If possible we suggest a business address to ship to, so someone signs for the package. Supercar Collectibles does their best to ship as many cars together as possible. It depends on when cars arrive here, and if other cars are delayed.

NEWEST SHIPPING & HANDLING rates effective September 11, 2024.

SHIPPING to US48 (EXCEPT East & West Coast States): is $11.95 + $3.00 HANDLING on 1 to 6 Cars "IN STOCK" ORDER of 1:18 scale cars. East & West Coast States ADD $5.00 More. Drop ship items use rates in the description.

Shipping to PR, HI, AK is $26.95 (1st car) plus $3 HANDLING charge, + $25 (2nd car) plus $15 for each additional car in the same box (3-6), maximum 6 in a box.

SHIPPING to US48 is FREE on Pre-Orders (Cars NOT here yet) a car over $60 (individual cars over $60 - not orders over $60) plus a HANDLING charge of $3 (each shipment - not each car) for box, packing materials, and labor. NOTE: Adding some "IN STOCK" 1:18 cars to your US48 Pre-Order shipment is still just the $2 per additional car (shipping) up to 6 cars total in shipment.

Shipping to CANADA #1 if 1 to 6 cars are plastic body cars like AutoWorld Funny Cars (even if just 1 is plastic) shipping is $39.95 (1st car) plus $3 HANDLING charge, plus $9 for each additional plastic or die-cast car in the same box, maximum 6 in a box.

Shipping to CANADA #2 if 1 to 6 cars are all die-cast metal or resin body cars, shipping is $49.95 (1st car) plus $3 HANDLING charge, plus $10 each additional car in the same box, maximum 6 in a box.

Shipping Overseas Orders - please contact us via our contact form for a quote on Priority Mail rates.

PLEASE READ: Shipments of items "in stock" should arrive to you in 3-10 days, depending on if weekend and/or holiday is involved. Items you "Order for Future Delivery" will of course ship as soon as we receive them.

RETURNS: We understand that occasionally items need to be returned. They are accepted within 30 days of receipt. There is a $15 restocking charge for items returned, and original shipping costs are not waived/refunded for an item not wanted. Items sent to you via UPS should be returned to us via UPS (US 48 states). Items mailed to you (HI, AK, PR, and Canada) should be returned to us via mail. Also, if applicable, no inbound shipping charges will be paid out that are higher than outbound charges (we will not pay out to you, over what we charged you to get the item to you). Bottom line: Returns should be sent using the same method you received them, or if applicable you would pay the difference. Fair enough?

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