BOOK: Don "The Snake" Prudhomme - Beyond the 1320

  • Model: CT662
  • In Stock


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#CT662 - In Stock - The book where Don "The Snake" Prudhomme reveals for the first time ever, his incredible life and career on and off of the drag strip. Did you know about how he rose from being a high school drop-out who was painting cars, to a respected Top Fuel dragster driver, and successful businessman. Find out how he met Tom McEwen, and recall how they became the Snake and the Mongoose, leading to a career in Funny Cars that netted him four championships in a row. It's about the thrill of first wins, owning his own teams, the struggles of bad seasons, crashes and fires, broken parts, and broken contracts. It won't be only racing, though, as he also shares lessons he learned about business and life and the importance of family. It's 192 pages, hard cover, 138 B&W photo's and 121 Color photo's. Shipping & Handling is $12.95 to the US48, or the same as 1 car if sent out of the US48. Want one? 

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